| How To’s

How to Choose The Perfect Sofa for Any Apartment

Furniture shopping can be a highly personal experience, and everyone’s tastes are different. That being said, these tips from Tiffanya professional home stager at Home Reworkswill come in handy for anyone on the hunt for a new couch for their rental apartment!

Not all Three-Seaters are Made Equal

Myth-busted! Did you know that not all threeseater sofas are the same size? Make sure to measure carefully, as an extra little bit can make a big difference in whether the sofa will fit in your space, through the doorway, or even in the building’s elevator – all VERY important things to consider when sofa shopping! The last thing you want to be is stuck with a sofa you have to carry up the stairs in a highrise apartment building…can you say, “PIVOT!

While all elevators are different, at Home Reworks we typically consider a condo sofa 80” or less in length as a safe bet.

All About the Arms

Along the same lines, the arms of the sofa can be one of the biggest influences on both size and aesthetics. If you have a smaller living space, opt for straight-edged arms on your sofa to keep it more compact and clean.

Be Smart With Your Sectional

If youre set on a sectional, make sure the chaise has both right- and left-hand orientation as an option. Having a detachable section will ensure that your couch will fit into the elevator no problem. It will also help keep your options open for your next home, and it will be functional with any floorplan or apartment layout.

Drop it Low

If you’re working within a smaller space, see how low you can go with your couch. Keeping your sofa out of eye-line will make your room feel more spacious.

how to selection the perfect sofa for any apartment

Look at the Legs

If you want to give your room an airy feeling, pay close attention to the legs of potential couches. Sofas with skinnier legs, common in mid-century modern styles, will be particularly good for lightening up a room. If you’re going for more of a cozy look, thicker legs are the way to go.

Choose a Neutral Colour

If you’re a renter, you won’t be changing the finishes to suit your furniture, so pick neutral colours and simple patterns when it comes to your priciest pieces of furniture. BONUS: You can easily spice things up with trendy (or seasonal) toss cushions and throw blankets.

About Home Reworks:

Home Reworks is a Vancouver based home staging and design company founded in 2004. Whether you’re selling or staying, we strive to make beautiful, functional spaces for our clients.

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