We’ve had a tough go. Narrowing down hundreds of amazing, awe-inspiring Hollyburn Free Rent Contest entries to 3 Top Finalists.

Our team was overwhelmed reading about the community activism, volunteering and goodwill that takes place across Canada. Your stories reinforce that all positive community action makes a difference, no matter how big or small. This was a very difficult decision, but we hope you’ll agree that the following three community champions each deserve to win Hollyburn Free Rent for a Year!
Ariel Swan
“Over 3 years ago, Ariel Swan decided she wanted to do something different to celebrate her birthday. Instead of asking her friends to spend money on gifts for her and dinner and drinks for themselves, she invited 15 friends and family (myself included) to get together and make sandwiches for the people of Vancouver’s DTES.” And so, Feed The People was born. Read more here…
Lucas Riedl
“Have you ever met someone who exudes benevolence and tolerance? Someone who literally loses sleep over the suffering of others? I am extremely fortunate to have one of these people in my life, and I am constantly awestruck by his generosity and selflessness.” Read more here…
Jan Rothenburger
“Jan’s life is devoted to serving those in need. Mostly women and youth who are street and prison involved, many struggling with addictions. People society would rather not think about. She works long, hard hours serving, helping and trying to save them from the degrading and humiliating situations in which life has them trapped.” Read more here…
Now it’s up to you to vote!
Read Ariel, Lucas and Jan’s stories and vote on your choice of recipient of Hollyburn Free Rent for a year. Trust us, it’s not going to be easy.
Contest website: www.hollyburnfreerent.com
Public voting open: November 10 – November 30, 2015
Winner announced: Week of December 7th, 2015
Share your favourite finalist on your social networks and help them receive the prize of a lifetime! Why is Hollyburn giving away Free Rent for a Year? Find out here.