Hollyburn believes that strong community values are essential in building vibrant and fulfilling lives.
Through a series of local partnerships, sponsorships, and outreach programs, we strive to transform our rental apartment buildings into communities.
A Hollyburn apartment building is much more than just an apartment rental – it is a community. Every year, we host a variety of impact initiatives and events to encourage people to meet their neighbours, develop deeper connections, and build a sense of belonging. These include annual summer resident appreciation BBQ’s, holiday parties, seasonal lobby decorations, emergency preparedness education, Hollyburn Perks events and so much more. Some of our rental apartment buildings feature community gardens, from which the harvest is donated to a local food bank, back to our residents, or to Gordon Neighbourhood House in Downtown Vancouver, West End.
Our family company actively supports a mission of community service and outreach through a series of social impact programs, sponsorships, and charitable initiatives that allow us to affect meaningful change and contribute to happy and healthy lives.
Hollyburn’s Community Programs and Partnerships:
Hollyburn X Ensure Hive Future
Honeybees now call Hollyburn home, too!
Hollyburn Properties has partnered with Ensure Hive Future to install honeybee hives on the roof at some of our Vancouver rental apartment buildings in Downtown and on the North Shore!
Here’s Why:
- Bees are critical to nearly every aspect of the ecosystem.
- Bees are integral to food production with approximately 1/3 of agricultural land requiring bees for pollination.
- Bees are under threat from pesticides and unsustainable agricultural practices.
About Ensure Hive Future:
Ensure Hive Future is a Federally Incorporated not-for-profit dedicated to apiary research and education. One of their goals is to see local production of disease-resistant honeybees and remove our current dependence on imported honeybees. Education, research, and community involvement are how they are using science to save the bees.
Before selecting Ensure Hive Future, Hollyburn researched many urban beekeeping programs. One of the key reasons we opted to partner with Ensure Hive Future is because they do not use imported honeybees within their colonies. This contributes to the sustainability of local, native honeybees and helps create mite-resistant bees for a better chance of natural survival.
Where Are the Hives Now?
So far, Hollyburn and Ensure Hive Future have installed honeybee hives at the following rental apartment buildings:
- The Lonsdale – North Vancouver
- Emerald Terrace – Downtown Vancouver, West End
- Hollyburn Gardens – West Vancouver
Watch the bees buzz LIVE on the BeeCam at Hollyburn Gardens!
Want to Get Involved?
Both Hollyburn and Ensure Hive Future want this program to be community-inclusive. We know that the program’s success, and the bee’s health and happiness, will improve if we are all participating and learning together!
Check out our blog “5 Bee-Friendly Plants for Your Apartment Balcony” to help our bees love where they live!
Got Questions?
We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions about this program, please email us at [email protected]
The Covenant House – Hollyburn Properties Youth Housing Program
Since 2001, Hollyburn has grown a lasting partnership with the non-profit organization Covenant House. What began as a monthly clothing and donations drive, has evolved into a unique housing program to help local street-involved youth gain a sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and dignity as they transition to independent living. Hollyburn currently provides Covenant House with 6 completely furnished, subsidized rental apartments (3 in Vancouver and 3 in Toronto).
Watch what goes into preparing for a new Covenant House apartment below:
“Hollyburn’s generosity has literally changed my life, I am so grateful for their help” – Recent Graduate of the Covenant House – Hollyburn Properties Youth Housing Program
In addition to the Covenant House – Hollyburn Properties Youth Housing Program, Hollyburn participates in the Covenant House Sleep Out events in Vancouver and Toronto. And, every holiday season, we encourage residents to donate to the Covenant House Christmas Backpack Program, helping at-risk youth have the holiday they deserve by providing clothing, toiletries, and gift cards. BIG thank you to all of our residents who help make this such a success!
Hollyburn Family Services Society X Hollyburn Properties
In 2017, Hollyburn Properties partnered with Hollyburn Family Services Society in support of the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (S.A.F.E.R) program. The BC SAFER program offers cash subsidies to help make rents affordable for BC seniors with low-to-moderate incomes. Through this partnership, Hollyburn Properties provides four affordable rental apartments in North Vancouver. Our teams go above and beyond to welcome these residents, ensuring they are comfortable and settled while also providing much-needed conversation and companionship. Because of this program, these residents are able to stay within their known community, close to friends, family, and the support they need.
King George City School
Hollyburn proudly contributes $10,000 annually to help fund King George Secondary’s City School program in Downtown Vancouver, West End. This contribution helps provide:
- The City School free lunch program
- Online teaching resources/new technology updates
- Field trips and transportation
- Guest speakers
- Incidentals/school supplies as needed
- Application fees associated with post-secondary applications
At the end of each year, one graduate that has shown exemplary behavioural or academic achievements is awarded the Hollyburn Scholarship, which includes $500 towards post-secondary education.
Hollyburn Free Rent Contest
The Hollyburn Free Rent Contest ran in 2015 to celebrate individuals in Canada who are likewise dedicated to social impact through community involvement. We touched base with Jan, the contest winner, to dive deeper into her life and share how this contest has impacted her.
Here is Jan’s story:
We are enthusiastic supporters of grassroots community events and charitable campaigns and are committed to corporate social responsibility.
Click below to find out about the community initiatives we are currently participating in:

We are proud to partner with these outstanding community organizations:
Industry Associations:
By collaborating with accredited industry associations, such as: LandlordBC, the Certified Rental Building Program (CRB), the Federation of Rental-Housing Providers of Ontario, the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations (CFAA), and the Professional Association of Managing Agents (PAMA), as well as other local and provincial organizations, we have created an all-encompassing self-governing system. Combined with the Better Business Bureau, these associations ensure Hollyburn is always following best practices and exceeding industry standards for the benefit of our people, our communities, and our planet.
Hollyburn was instrumental in bringing the Certified Rental Building Program to BC!